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Finding Recreation & Activities for Kids

January 11, 2019

Whether your family is growing, you have just relocated to a new area or your children are entering a new phase in their life, finding quality resources that will provide you with the options in your area for recreation and stimulating activities is not as hard as you might think.

Leverage Social Media

Use the web pages for the school board for information on after-school care or school-sponsored activities…

Our children’s interests can cover a wide range of topics and thanks to social media we have access to a significant number of residents in an area thru community social media pages. Pick your favorite social media outlet (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and search for a community page, this can be a subdivision name, city, town or county.

Once you find one that covers your area follow it and post a question on available programs in the area. It is always helpful to ask specific questions such as, “where does everyone play baseball”, “does anyone use county sponsored after school care” or “we are looking for your favorite martial arts studio.”

Complimenting your use of the community pages you can use the web pages for the school board for information on after-school care or school-sponsored activities, chambers of commerce frequently have a community events calendar, libraries host many free and fun events, many sheriff’s departments sponsor sports leagues along and regional malls host activities that cover a wide range of interests with exposure to local businesses.

Go With Google

My favorite 2 words to end any google search is “Near Me.”

Of course, the internet is full of information and my favorite 2 words to end any google search is “Near Me.” Searching for “Parks and Recreation Near Me” will give you a good list of the local parks and facilities.

Here are a few more examples:
• Free family events near me
• Youth sports leagues near me
• Library near me
• Community center near me
• Performing arts near me
• After school care near me
• Music lessons near me
• Free family events near me
• Fun things to do near me

Start Talking

We can’t forget one of our most valuable resources, the friends and families we interact with on a regular basis.


We can’t forget one of our most valuable resources, the friends and families we interact with on a regular basis. In our area we have the benefit of many theme parks, zoos and attractions that offer great deals on year around access or multi-day access and nothing adds to the fun for your children like being able to see their friends there. With so many choices knowing that another family or group of families have passes to the water park or another attraction can help you make the decision on which one to invest in.

Casey Bryan is a boss babe. Her leadership skills are all about lifting people up, not shooting them down. In her free time she practices her super powers and loves on her handsome hubby and amazing kiddos. She's as down to earth as they come and is always lending a helping hand to those in need.