Real Estate-Ish

It's time to sit down and get cozy.

Creating Your Own Sanctuary Space

January 25, 2019

So, do you remember when you were little and your parents, teachers, and pretty much everyone under the sun would say “Don’t invade someone’s personal space” or “Stay in your personal space” … you know, something along those lines? Well, the older I get the more I can relate. It is so true, we all need our own personal space. I am not just referring to people talking too close to your face and making you uncomfortable to breathe. I’m talking more along the lines of a physical space, personalized to you!

We all need our own personal space

We all have off days, some people more than others (Me being one of those people). Being able to go home and have a private little (or big) retreat to call your own can really help you zen out after an intense day. No, this doesn’t mean you have to be as rich as a Kardashian and build a whole room onto your home that is customized perfectly to your every want and needs. I’m talking more on the level of taking an area in one room or taking a small office in your home and making it really feel like YOU!

Picking your “Safe Space”

When choosing a spot in your house that you are going to personalize and make completely yours there are a few things you may want to consider!

Find a room that you feel comfortable in

  • A room with natural light or a good window may help you feel more relaxed & refreshed
  • A room with a door, wall divider, or something to separate you from the main area of your home. This will help you create some privacy for yourself.
  • If you know you will be personalizing with photos, wall decorations, art, etc. make sure there is enough wall space or room for a side table of some sort.
  • Lastly, find a room that you feel comfortable in! A room that will allow you to truly relax and get your mind off of things.

She Sheds, Man Caves, Craft Rooms, Oh MY!

Now the fun part, what are you going to put in your sanctuary space?! Well, let me tell you about my She-Shed and what truly inspired me.

First off, it’s my favorite room in the entire house! I go into this room every day, I call it my “glam room”. It’s where I get ready in the morning and where I can just go and get my mind off of things. We have a 4-bedroom house, and the 4th bedroom was too tiny to even put a bed…. So naturally, I made it my glam room! It’s got plenty of natural light and is immersed with my favorite colors, candle scents, and decorations. It really just screams my name!

I have placed items throughout the room that remind me of people I love

The unique thing about my glam room is that I have placed items throughout the room that remind me of people I love. My sister is an artist and has gifted me many beautiful paintings, they are all hanging in this room. Some of my favorite quotes are on the walls, as a daily reminder to keep chugging along. The other item that this room would not be complete without is PICTURES! I am slightly obsessed with photos; photos of people I love, photos of places I have been, photos of gorgeous scenery, just literally so many photos. This is what really truly personalizes this room to ME.

What’s Important to You?

So, now that you know how I went about decorating my She-Shed, let’s brainstorm what you’re going to put in yours! Here are some items to think about when decorating and planning your sanctuary.

Make this room your favorite room in the house.

  • A quiet & peaceful corner for reading
  • Creating a place to do your favorite hobby
  • A place to display your favorite treasures or antiques
  • Framed pictures & collages of loved ones, favorite places, or scenery
  • Select a color palette that you love, that is soothing, and that is YOU
  • Add decorative elements that make you happy (quotes, candles, art, photography, etc.)
  • Get rid of any clutter, clutter is a stressor… whether you want to admit that or not. {I know I don’t want to admit it}
  • Most importantly…. make this room your favorite room in the house!

Your Sanctuary Awaits…

The hard part is over. Now that you’ve got great ideas and you know how you’re going to implement them; your sanctuary literally is awaiting you! I think you will find that creating your own area, that is solely for you will change your overall stress level. Adjusting your environment for the better, can help increase your feelings of physical and emotional safety. Life can be tough, but you’re tougher! Now go and enjoy your peace & quiet, your she-shed, your man cave, your sanctuary!

Olivia is southern hospitality wrapped in compassion. She is as sweet as she is fierce and never hesitates when others ask her for help. Aside from being a mega talented writer she also takes on all of our special projects and events as our Brand Strategist. She uses the education she got from Bama {she would insert a “Roll Tide” here} to help give our clients an authentic look at who we are. She’s a larger than life, laid back bundle of joy who is as genuine as they come.