Real Estate-Ish

It's time to sit down and get cozy.


COVID-19: How To Stay Healthy While Buying A Home

April 13, 2020

Drive separately to meet at the homes you are viewing.

Making sure that you and your family remain safe and healthy during the outbreak of COVID-19 is incredibly important. If you’re currently considering purchasing a home, what steps can you take to ensure you’re doing your part to stop the spread as well as keeping your family healthy?

Here’s a list we’ve put together with some simple recommendations that will give you and your family some peace of mind.

1. Limit Exposure

Instead of attending open houses, opt for scheduled showings OR Virtual Open Houses.

2. Protect Yourself

Wear gloves or carry a clean tissue to touch any high traffic areas. Pay special attention to:

Items to clean during COVID-19: doorknobs, bathrooms, kitchen faucets/sinks, handles, tables, light switches, phones, keyboards/tablets/computers

3. Go Virtual

Take advantage of live virtual tours to view homes instead of attending an in-person showing.

4. Keep Your Distance

We ask you to drive separately to meet at the homes you are viewing to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Make sure to carry hand sanitizer, tissues and other health essentials with you.

5. Small Groupings

Limit showings to a max of 2 Buyers and your agent preventing unnecessary people into a seller’s home.

6. Clean Hands Are Key

Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands immediately upon entry. Make sure to carry hand sanitizer, tissues and other health essentials with you.

7. Simple Showings

For a showing, be aware that a seller may not leave their home. However, they will be asked to think of creative ways to allow you the privacy to tour their home without feeling crowded.

8. We’re There In Spirit!

Note we have asked agents to sustain from attending your closing. Providing a safe environment for our closing partners is critical and this helps minimize the number of unnecessary people in their work environment.

When in doubt, follow all general health guidelines as laid out by the CDC.

9. Best Practices

If traditional in-person meetings are being done over the phone or video conference, know that it’s with your best interest in mind.

10. The Web’s Your Friend

Hold web meetings for negotiations, discussions or closings whenever possible.

11. Listen To The Experts

When in doubt, follow all general health guidelines as laid out by the CDC to protect you and your family.


Want a copy of this information that you can come back to as you need it? We’ve got you covered! Just download the flyer we’ve posted below.

Casey Bryan is a boss babe. Her leadership skills are all about lifting people up, not shooting them down. In her free time she practices her super powers and loves on her handsome hubby and amazing kiddos. She's as down to earth as they come and is always lending a helping hand to those in need.